
Chateau Somso Night with Grands Crus de Bordeaux
On Nov 19, 2009, Chateau Somso held a grand wine tasting dinner, Chateau Somso Night with Grands Crus de Bordeaux( hereinafter called the Night). 36 owners of grands crus Bordeaux was invited to attend this dinner, each taking a bottle of the best wine since 2000. This is the first time that Les Grands Crus de Bordeaux co-held a wine tasting dinner with a non-governmental organization in China. At the same time, a Canadian chateau owner took part in the planning and preparation of this dinner together with his team. The professional wine service and the scale of the dinner found no match in China before.
At that night, 36 chateau owners from Bordeaux sat in the hall, exchanging wine culture and knowledge with Chinese wine lovers and distributors. The 36 chateau owners are optimistic about Chinese market, saying this wine tasting dinner sets a stage for them to exchange with Chinese distributors and understand Chinese market. They also said that they can take a glimpse of Somso’s influence and strength from this dinner and will deepen cooperation and exchange with Chateau Somso.
The 36 wines are all the best of the best with skyrocketing prices. Somso distributors and wine lovers felt honored to taste those wines. After visiting palatial hall and romantic wine cellar, they were overwhelmed by Somso’s hard power.
Afterwards, Somso sommeliers astonished all the present. Neat dressing and professional procedures, standard action, all not only impressed our Chinese wine lovers but the foreign guests, thumbing up with admiration.
This dinner is a perfect combination of wine and food. According respectable resource, the vessels used in this dinner were sponsored by Les Grands Crus de Bordeaux. The spokesman of Chateau Somso said Somso not only sells wines, but also is a transfer station of wine culture. We provide professional wine culture as well as fine wines. 
Last, let’s propose a toast for the bright future of Chateau Somso!

